Aetiket Label Printer - Duplication

The Duplication function has been greatly improved since Aetiket Label Printer 2.6.0.

You can now duplicate any label any number of times, even imported labels, and the paragraph formatting will be preserved. The way to use the Duplication function has also changed, and this help page was created to demonstrate how to use the new feature.

To learn how to use the Duplication function, view the following three examples:

  1. "I want to print the same label three times"
  2. "I have three labels but...
    "I want to print one of the first and third, and three copies of the second"
  3. "I want to print five labels with custom formatting"


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Page last updated December 9, 1998
Copyright © 1997-1999 by
 Eric Fandrich All Rights Reserved.